EPIC podcast - week11 Leaving the remoteness and the snow in the rearview mirror, we remember the Great Britain leg, where the skies were blue, the flying was easy and fuel was... free!
EPIC podcast - week10 The longest leg of the entire journey through the remotest country we ever flown in. One of the most memorable days of our trip (and by memorable we mean harsh and stressful and demanding).
EPIC podcast - week9 From North Eastern Canada to Greenland - one small hop for the R66, one giant leap for the EPIC Tour!
EPIC podcast - week8 From Cuba to Greenland there is much to see: polar bears, stingrays, sharks and a colossal sculpture of a Lady
EPIC podcast - week7 "If you crash I'm not responsible" or how we loved to fly close to the ocean on our way to Cuba.
EPIC podcast - week6 This time we will be remembering the South American beauties and hazards we've lived to talk about. And, speaking of which, can you guess where the next EPIC trip will take us? Press play and find out if you guessed correctly!
EPIC podcast - week5 After the familiar looking north-american skies, we arrive in Mexico. It's been only three days of our EPIC trip and already we faced another near-death experience.
EPIC podcast - week4 Remembering a very near miss with another helicopter in our journey's early days that we hadn't publicly revealed until now.
EPIC podcast - week3 In this episode we reveal our secret on how to endure a physically and psychologically demanding journey and come out the other side with no scars.
EPIC podcast - week2 This week we talk about planning. It's important to start on the right foot, especially when you're planning to go up a few thousand feet!
EPIC podcast - week1 Our first weekly EPIC Podcast! The amazing stories never told before and the exciting stories yet to happen.
Detailed Vlog - day64 From Russia to Alaska. We are finally back in the US and the big finale is getting close!
Detailed Vlog - day62 We saw grizzly bears in the best way possible: from inside a moving helicopter!
Detailed Vlog - day60 No hotels where we landed, so we had to sleep in a place a little bit different from the usual...
Detailed Vlog - day59 C-GEAK is the first skids helicopter that ever gotten permission to land on Khabarovsk airport!
Detailed Vlog - day58 On the last new country of our EPIC journey we found something unique from all others: a great deal of indifference :D
Detailed Vlog - day56 Japanese people are super efficient and organised. Bet you didn't see that coming...
Detailed Vlog - day53 The last 100 Hours Inspection of our journey with a detailed explanation from our engineer extraordinaire