Detailed Vlog - day52

We are up and flying again and the wait was definitely worth it!

Because today, after all the miles and hours of flying and amazing places we've been, we've put our eyes on one of the most beautiful scenarios we've seen in this entire journey.

Phillipines. There are thousands of islands, all competing to be the most beautiful one.

So we didn't resist. Fly over them was great, but we had to set foot in at least one, so we landed our Robinson in one tiny island, among the reefs and the turtles and the sandy beaches and the boats of all kinds and the huts and the kids playing around in the water. A true paradise.

And suddenly... it started raining like crazy!

Just when we were about to land in Manila, which, by the way, got flooded in minutes. But it's all cool. We took the opportunity to offer C-GEAK a deserved bath!