Detailed Vlog - day48

Well, first things first: congrats to France, the World Cup Winners.

Today we flew from Malaysia to Indonesia, had to go around a complex flying route - it was hard to get a plan approved - and took longer than expected. Even so, we are perfectly aware of what's happening in Russia, so it was great to reach the hotel just in time to enjoy the Finals in a giant screen.

But today's highlight was definitely the stroll in the jungle.

Yesterday we've gone over one, and it was incredible to see, but today we had the chance to walk right through it! And it was amazing.

The immediate difference one feels is the sound: Malaysian jungles are bursting in animal life and we could really hear all the birds singing and the footsteps and the scratching noises on the ground and the branches snapping somewhere else... It's so beautiful!

And guess what: we are one step away of the second antipode!