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EPIC podcast - week10

Let's set the scenario: we were for the first time in our lives in Greenland and we found it to be 'as expected' - remote.
The most remote region we've been in our entire EPIC trip.
Very harsh, very windy, very freezing (and also beautiful, don't get us wrong, we loved it).

At some point the GPS was telling us we would take almost 8 hours to reach our destination.
It was going to be the longest leg of out journey (and indeed it was).

We didn't have enough fuel to get there.
Visibility was very low.
We had to make decisions, and we had to make them fast.

And that's what this Flying Around Greenland episode of our EPIC Podcast will remember.
Get ready for survival mode.

So here it is, to be seen and heard...

... or just to be heard, in case you're tired of our faces:

Listen to "EPIC Podcast Episode 10 | Flying around Greenland" on Spreaker.

Enjoy and leave us a comment on Youtube letting us know what you'd like to hear about in future episodes.

See you next PodDay,
Ruben & Mischa